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2nd Annual Take Down 5k

Sat September 23, 2017 Lehighton, PA 18235 US Directions


2nd Annual Take Down 5k

8:00AM EDT - 12:00PM EDT
Open to ages 4 - 70.


438 Riverview Road
Lehighton, PA US 18235


Lehighton Athletic Booster Club Presents


Saturday, August 19th,   8:30AM

COURSE: Located at Riverview Park Bowmanstown Boat Launch GPS: 438 Riverview Road Lehighton, Pa 18235. We will travel 1.5 miles down the beautiful D & L Trail before turning around for the second half of the 5k. Water station will be provided at the half way point. The kid’s fun run will be a total of 1 mile.

ENTRY FEE:  Kids Run- $15.00 includes free commemorative t-shirt

                        Pre-registration by August 1st, 2017-$20.00 includes free commemorative t-shirt.

                        Day of event- $25.00 (Limited number of t-shirts available.)

AWARDS AND AGE GROUPS: Medals to be awarded for 1st -3rd in all age groups. Top male and Top female will also receive a medal. There will also be 1st -3rd for the first three wrestlers to cross the finish line.  4-8, 9-13, 14-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60+

Race Registration:  will be held from 7:30-8:15am the day of the event underneath the pavilion at riverside park. The kids’ fun run will begin promptly at 8:30am/ The 5k run walk will begin at 9am. The walkers will start behind the runners. Race will be held rain or shine. Proceeds Benefit the Lehighton Youth wrestling team.

REGISTRATION FEE PAYMENT: Make Checks Payable to LABC. Please send entry form and payment to Joey Roetz, 377 South 3rd Street Lehighton, PA 18235.

If you have any questions, please contact Joey Roetz at 570-657-7433 or email LeeAnn Muffley 570-778-4236, Amy Serfass at 610-533-0466 or Tara Wentz at 570-982-2190.

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