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Running For Rhinos 2022

Sat October 22 - Sun November 13 Pittsburgh, PA 15206 US


One Wild Place (Virtual)
Pittsburgh, PA US 15206


Running for Rhinos Virtual Race/Challenge is a perfect way to get outside, get active and make a difference! Run, jog, walk, bike or move in any way you want to help save Rhinos! This virtual race can take place anywhere around the world! Set your own challenge and complete any time between October 22nd - November 13th, 2022.  All participants will receive a medal upon completion of the event. Proceeds will benefit wildlife conservation programs in Africa and Asia and support the organizations listed below. 

Challenge a friend, family member or coworker to join you either in person or from afar! Form a team and set challenges for each other! If you know someone that isn't interested in the challenge but wants to contribute, ask them for a donation! Set a personal goal whether that be just adding any level of activity or distance to your day, try for a 1 mile or 5 mile trek! Plan a nice hike somewhere you have always wanted to visit, hit up your favorite spot or just get out and explore your local neighborhood! 

All participants will receive a rhino shaped race medal upon completion of the event.

All participants will receive 1 entry into a raffle to win: 2 Tickets to the National Aviary, 2 Tickets to the Pittsburgh Zoo and PPG Aquarium, 2 Tickets to the Pittsburgh Zoo and PPG Aquarium, or a $50 gift card to Pro Bike and Run

Wildlife, such as Rhinos, are nearing extinction at an alarming rate! if we don't continue to ask fast, future generations are at risk of never having the experience of seeing a live Rhino and entire ecosystems are at risk of catastrophic changes with the loss of keystone species. It is possible for 1 person to make a difference and if we spread the word and come together as a group, we can make an even bigger impact! Your donations help support 3 incredible organizations that are at the forefront of conservation and are making a huge impact in saving animals from extinction. Learn more below and find additional information at each of their websites!

Lewa Wildlife Conservancy is a leader in community-based wildlife conservation with 93,000 acres of protected habitat in Africa for Rhinos, Elephants, Giraffe, Zebras, Lions, Cheetahs and hundreds of other species of flora and fauna. They provide security and anti-poaching units to patrol the sanctuary, education, healthcare and jobs for the local communities, as well as some amazing, sustainable eco-tourism opportunities to visit these incredible habitats and directly support the critical work they are doing to preserve such iconic species for future generations. Learn more about their impact and successful programs here:

International Rhino Foundation also work to protect rhinos, restore habitat, partner with local communities, manage research and breeding programs to increase rhino populations, and reduce demand for rhino horn. Areas they protect include the only remaining locations for some of the world's rarest and most endangered rhino species- the Javan Rhino. They are directly working to save various Rhino species from extinction!

Action for Cheetahs- Kenya works to promote the conservation of cheetahs through research, awareness and community participation in Kenya. By focusing on an iconic species such as the Cheetah, their success also protects habitat for other species and their programs help the overall goal of conservation of critical species and community understanding of the need to preserve these animals and their habitat. 

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.

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