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Panther Pounce 5K and 1 Mile Fun Run

Sun June 4, 2017 Pocono Pines, PA 18350 US Directions


Panther Pounce 5K

9:00AM EDT

1 Mile Fun Run

9:00AM EDT


398 Old Route 940
Pocono Pines, PA US 18350


The 5K run/walk and 1 mile Fun Run will both begin at 9:00am on Sunday, June 4, 2017.  The starting point will be at the Tobyhanna Elementary Center flagpole. 

Packet pickup will begin at 7:30am. 

Late registrations will gladly be accepted, however, we cannot guarantee a t-shirt.

Preregistration is highly encouraged.  All preregistered participants will receive a free 2017 Panther Pounce t-shirt. 

The cost for registration is $20 for preregistration and $25 after May 19, 2017.

The Fun Run costs $10 and a free t-shirt and award of completion is included.

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at http://www.pantherpounce.webs.

Race Contact Info

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