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Snow Shoe Fall Festival 5K

Sat September 15, 2018 Snow Shoe, PA 16874 US


Snow Shoe Fall Festival 5k Run and Walk

9:00AM EDT - 12:00PM EDT


9 Park Avenue
Snow Shoe, PA US 16874


September 15th, 2018

Race Location: East Park Avenue, Snow Shoe, PA (Race starts near the Mountaintop Pool)


Time:  Registration: 8:15-8:50 AM

                                Race Start:  9:00 AM


Course Description: Slightly hilly course through the borough of Snow Shoe.


Awards:             Top Male & Female

Age group awards to be determined


Proceeds:         Benefit the Veterans' Memorial Plaque Fund


Registration Fee: 

$20 - Adult

$10 - Student (18 and under)


Make Checks Payable To:      Snow Shoe Fall Festival 

Mail to:      391 Clarence Road, Snow Shoe, PA 16874 (C/O Marci McGonigal)


Contact:  email-

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