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LHG Monster Mash Dash 5k

Sat October 29, 2022 Somerset, PA 15501 US Directions


LHG Monster Mash Dash 5k

9:00AM EDT - 12:00PM EDT

Race cancelled until Spring

We are sorry but due to low registrations we are postponing our race until the Spring. Please keep an eye out for the new date and festivities. Thank you for your understanding. 

Here Are Your Options:

We will transfer your registration to the new event date once it is set, and look forward to having you join us. Thanks for your patience!

We understand. We hope you can join us next time.


120 Bunyan Drive
Somerset, PA US 15501


Laurel Highlands Gymnastics Boosters presents the first annual Monster Mash Dash 5k Walk/Run. Awards and Prizes will be given to the top runners and walkers in age groups and overall categories. Best dressed in Halloween attire will also have a chance to win a prize. Easy out and back course and lots of goodies and activities for everyone!

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


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