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Rainbow Run Virtual 5K

Mon October 11 - Sat November 20 York, PA 17405 US


P.O. Box 1134
York, PA US 17405


Rainbow Run Virtual 5k

Benefitting the Rainbow Rose Center, York County’s LGBTQIA+ Center

Join us for the first ever Rainbow Rose Center virtual Rainbow Run 5k!

In this virtual run, you have a whole month to complete your race and submit your results!

We will kick off the race on Coming Out Day - Monday, October 11, 2021. National Coming Out Day encourages LGBTQIA+ people to take pride in who they are and come out to friends and family as a member of the LGBTQIA+ community! It is a day of celebration and what better way to celebrate than running or walking a 5k?

You can participate by running or walking from October 11th through November 20th which is Transgender Day of Remembrance. On this day, we honor the names and lives of transgender people whose lives we lost in acts of transgender acts of violence with a candlelight vigil. We hope you will join us as we take the time to remember those whose lives were lost solely because of who they are. 

Races are more fun with friends, so invite your friends and family to join us on this great opportunity to get physically fit and support a great cause! The event is open to EVERYONE, regardless of age or ability.  Accommodations can be made for participants with a disability or special needs. Contact us today and we will be glad to help.

Registration for the race is $40.00 and includes**:

1.           Cotton race t-shirt

2.           Rainbow socks 

Race Packet Pickup:

For those who registered by 9/30: Packet pickup will be held on Saturday, October 9th from 12pm-1pm during the Coming Out Day Celebration being held at White Rose Bar and Grill - 48 N. Beaver Street, York, PA 1740. *If you are unable to pick up your packet in person, we can ship your packet for an additional $10 fee.

For those who registered after 9/30: TBD - we will send out an email to any runners who registered after 9/30 to let you know when/where you can pick up your race t-shirt and socks. Registration will officially close on 11/17/2021.

A portion of your registration goes to the programming of the Rainbow Rose center, which includes support groups for transgendered individuals, Living with HIV support group, and Queer Transgender People of Color (QTPOC) support group. Your support will also help the Rainbow Rose Center take the big step of finding a physical location make additional resources available to the LGBTQIA+ community!

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, please contact the race director at


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Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

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