Recent Communication to Runners (2025)
2/6/2025 Email
Greetings RUFA Grandeur Peak Runners
The 2025 RUFA seasons kicks off tomorrow! Several last minute thoughts and updates:
If you haven't read the prior communications for this year's race, please review them here:
We had a typo in our 1/25/2025 email related to the check-in for the 7AM Saturday 6 hr event. Please note that the check-in for this event is 5:30AM Saturday (not Friday as initially written). Our webpage has been corrected.
We did a dry-run today with our electric shuttle vans and they're awesome! We're excited to set a new standard for race transportation!
See you tomorrow!
RUFA Grandeur Race Crew
2/4/2025 Email
Greetings RUFA Grandeur Peak Runners!
We are just 3 days out from the start of our 2025 events. If you haven't already done so, please review the prior communication from 1/25/2025 here :
In addition to what's included in the link above (no need to repeat), see the updates/additions below:
Our special-use permit hinges on participants leveraging the shuttle system to get to AND from the event. Please don't put the future of our event in jeopardy by determining that the rules don't apply to you.
The base aid station will again be located at the lowest-most site in the Church Fork picnic area, the same as it was in 2024. The base aid station will have hot food, snacks, gels, hot and cold drinks etc. Our aid station leverages a system we are proud of wherein we use stainless steel cups and a washing system to eliminate waste. We also strongly encourage participants to bring their own reusable insulated mug/container for soup, hot beverages, etc.
The Grandeur Peak summit is not an aid station, rather it should be thought of as a timing tent and emergency checkpoint. As such, make sure to take enough food and drink with you from the base aid station to fuel yourself for the entire lap. The summit will have basic emergency supplies (hauled up by our generous volunteers!), but you should not count on refilling bottles/etc.
Our Base Aid Station Captain Mike McMonagle said it best recently, "this will be a RUFA to remember!" While January provided some truly remarkable conditions for RUFA training, race day will bring the type of adversity that challenges our fortitude, tests our optimism, and ultimately makes us better people. :)
Friday-Start Events: With record heat for multiple days preceding the event, followed by rain most of the day Friday before we start, the route will be muddy in sections, very icy in a few spots, and higher elevations will likely have punchy holes in what was buffed single-track trail last week. It will likely be raining all day Friday so plan on being soaked just in time for the temperature drop below freezing later in the night. Expect snow at the higher elevations. What an opportunity for some fantastic Barkley training!
Saturday: Saturday should be dry but very cold. Expect temps in the single-digits on the summit.
Given this, please re-read the recommendations in the prior communication (see link above) regarding recommended clothing.
Your splits will be available for friends/family to track at home on our website (here).
Special awards will go to the top three female, male, and non-binary runners in the 24-hour, 12-hour, 6-hour categories. There will not be an official awards ceremony, rather awards will be handed out as the end of the event approaches and we have enough data to know our top 3 runners in each category.
Rest up as it's time to make some memories!
RUFA Grandeur Race Crew (Mike McMonagle, Eve Davies, Jared Campbell, and Leslie Keener)
P.S. Email if you have any questions.
1/25/2025 Email
Greetings 2025 RUFA Grandeur Peak participants,
Two weeks from now this year’s edition of the Grandeur Peak event will be in full swing! Whether this is your 7th RUFA or your first, this email contains important updates and reminders, so please read it entirely – but first, THANK YOU. Thank you for your passion for this event, and for fundraising and playing your part in improving air quality. Your participation matters and we are immensely grateful for it. We’ve seen you out there racking up fundraising dollars AND laps on Grandeur Peak to prepare for this year’s event. What an incredible community we have!
- The race check-in AND shuttle pick-up/drop-off will be at Black Diamond Equipment (same as last year): 2092 E 3900 S, Salt Lake City, UT, 84124 (the only exception is the noon 6 hr event where check-in will be at Church Fork). Participants for all events MUST take the shuttle to/from the event.
- Please see the updated shuttle schedule; the shuttle vans will run according to this schedule.
- Note: Depending on which shuttle you take to your start, you will find yourself at the start line area for 15-30 minutes prior to your start. Be prepared for very cold temperatures while you wait to start.
- Crews and the shuttle : On the schedule, you’ll notice certain shuttles are for runners only vs. “Open”. It is okay for crews to leverage the "open" shuttles, but we encourage folks to minimize this type of involvement as we have limited infrastructure to support large crowds. Crews should NOT drive into Millcreek for the race as our event permit dictates that we must not add traffic to the canyon beyond our shuttle system.
BD = Black Diamond Retail Store (map)
- 24-hour runners (6:00PM Friday race start)
- Check-in at BD begins at 4:30PM Friday
- Shuttles depart at: 5:15PM and 5:30PM
- "Date Night" (7:00PM Friday) 6-hour runners
- Check-in at BD begins at 5:00PM Friday
- Shuttles depart at: 6:15PM and 6:30PM
- "All Nighter" (8:00PM Friday) 120hr runners (new event in 2025!)
- Check-in at BD begins at 6:00PM Friday
- Shuttles depart at 7:15PM and 7:30PM
- 12-hour runners (6:00AM Saturday race start)
- Check-in at BD begins at 4:30AM Saturday
- Shuttles depart at: 5:15AM and 5:30AM
- 7:00AM Saturday 6-hour runners
- Check-in at BD begins at 5:30AM
FridaySaturday - Shuttles depart at: 6:15AM and 6:30AM
- Check-in at BD begins at 5:30AM
- Noon Saturday 6-hour runners
- Check-in up at Church Fork begins at 11:00AM Saturday
- Shuttles - PLEASE leverage the shuttle system; see time-table
- EXTREMELY IMPORTANT: Plan for any type of winter weather. Given the time of year, it is often extremely cold, wet, and snowy. We frequently have blizzard conditions at the higher elevations.
- We strongly recommend bringing multiple changes of clothes. It will likely be extremely cold at the base aid station, then you may be sweating and shedding layers on the way up, and then get extremely cold toward the top and on the way back down.
- Rule of thumb: bring a dry change of clothes for each 1-2 laps you plan to complete. Multiple pairs of shoes can also be very helpful. The base aid station will have shelving for you to keep your bags
- Reminder: if you raise 10x your entry fee, then you get your entry fee refunded!
- Course records are very cool, but being a courteous and respectful trail user is way cooler; no matter what your goal is, please exercise mutual respect when passing other participants and trail users. RUFA volunteers/officials may disqualify individuals who are being disrespectful
What next? We'll send out an update on trail conditions and forecast 3 days prior to the event.
See you soon!
RUFA Race Crew - Mike McMonagle, Eve Davies, and Jared Campbell