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Running Up for Air - Grandeur

Fri February 7 - Sat February 8 Salt Lake City, UT 84109 US Directions

Race Day Schedule and Shuttle Schedules


BD = Black Diamond Retail Store (map here)

24-hour runners (6:00PM Friday race start)
Check-in at BD begins at 4:30PM Friday
Shuttles depart at: 5:15PM and 5:30PM

Date Night (7:00PM Friday) 6-hour runners
Check-in at BD begins at 5:00PM Friday
Shuttles depart at: 6:15PM and 6:30PM

All Nigher (8:00PM Friday) 12-hr runners
Check-in at BD begins as 6:00PM Friday
Shuttles depart at 7:15PM and 7:30PM

12-hour runners (6:00AM Saturday race start)
Check-in at BD begins at 4:30AM Saturday
Shuttles depart at: 5:15AM and 5:30AM

7:00AM Saturday 6-hour runners
Check-in at BD begins at 5:30AM Saturday
Shuttles depart at: 6:15AM and 6:30AM

Noon Saturday 6-hour runners
Check-in up at Church Fork begins at 11:00AM Saturday
(Runners MUST still utilize the shuttle to get to Church Fork)


The cutoff time leaving Church Fork Aid Station for a final lap in any race is 4:30PM Saturday.  As of 2025 we now have a summit cutoff of 5:35PM Saturday.  One caveat exists to accommodate incredible fast runners.  If such a runner comes in after the cut-off and they want to head out for a final lap, if their most recent lap was faster than the time remaining (before 6PM) they will be permitted to try for one more lap.

All runners need to notify the Aid Station captain upon finishing their final lap in the allotted time. If a runners chooses to stop early, they also need to let the aid station captain that they are done.  From this point they are on their own and may choose to hang around the aid station to cheer on other runners or take the next shuttle back to their car.

Shuttle Schedule

See the following .pdf for the shuttle schedule.


Click the icon below to download the attached PDF.


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