Foster Florida
ABOUT Foster Florida:
Throughout Florida, over 20,000 children live in out-of-home care, a rate that is higher than the national average. In some areas of the state, an average as high as 15.7 children per month are removed from the homes of their biological families. These children need a safe place to land. They need strong families that will step into their time of need.
Bringing a new child into the home, especially a child from trauma, will require time for adjustment, loving, creating felt safety, and strengthening these family characteristics. Families can do this better when they have a system of care, from their local community and churches, supporting them.
For the ones neglected, the ones forgotten, the ones in need, we must step up. We meet the needs of our local foster families by providing four pillars of support: meals, prayer, financial support, and childcare.
Foster Florida also partners with local non-profits in a coordinated effort to provide holistic care to vulnerable populations.