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PRC Earth Day Virtual PLOG

Wed April 22, 2020 Anytown, SC 29910 US


123 Anywhere St.
Anytown, SC US 29910


The PRC Eco Initiative presents: The PRC Earth Day virtual PLOG

To help celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day we are inviting you to PLOG! A combination of running OR walking and picking up litter as you go.

  • Register or Donate (*details below)
  • Print and decorate your bib (link to bib here)
  • Grab a bag and some gloves
  • Get Outside (run, walk, jog, bike, skip, however!)
  • Pickup 1 bag of trash on or around Earth Day
  • Snap a picture and share your impact using #PRCECOPLOG
  • Get entered in our Earth Day Giveaway! (*details below)
  • CELEBRATE that you just exercised and cleaned up our Earth at the same time!

Come join friends (while practicing social distancing) and other good Samaritans as we enjoy nature and raise awareness for the Earth.

*Registration is FREE but we encourage everyone to leave a small donation. All donations will benefit the Coastal Conservation League who works within our community to reduce harmful plastic pollution and implement policy changes designed to protect our local environment, waterways, and quality of life.   

*Register to be entered into our Earth Day Giveaway. On Earth Day (April 22nd) we will randomly select a participant to win a FREE pair of Brooks Shoes! We will be posting the winner on our Instagram as well as contacting them by phone/email.

*Reminder - With everything that is happening with the coronavirus we want to emphasis that making an impact should be done if and when it is safe! If that happens to be after Earth Day, that is fine!                                                                                                                                                                                   

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.

Printable Race Bib

Print and decorate your bib

Click the icon below to download the attached PDF.


Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

Did you participate in the race?
Would you recommend this race to a friend?

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