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TMC Old Tucson Trail Run 4 Mile & 1 Mile

Sun February 22, 2026 Tucson, AZ 85735 US Directions

Trail Run Approved by Trail Sisters

We're thrilled that the 2024 edition of the race has been approved by the Trail Sisters, with the goal of supporting, enhancing, and equalizing women’s experience in trail racing.  Special thanks to the Tucson Chapter for all their support!

The Standards:

1. Equal Podiums & Awards: Offer equal number of podium spots and awards amongst men & women participants (or your registered participant categories).  

2. Women’s Specific Apparel & Swag: If providing race shirts or sized apparel with race registration, a women’s fit and sizing option must be included. Unisex is not a substitute for women’s specific.

3. Menstrual Products at Aid Stations: Menstrual products (tampons & pads) need to be available and visible on all aid station tables in races that are a half marathon and longer.  

4. Women on the Starting Line: Invite women to the starting line to provide awareness and encouragement. This can be achieved with a designated area (half the starting line for women), or with announcements inviting women to move to the front and share space on the starting line. Sharing the start line space and media coverage creates an equitable experience for both the participants and the audience.

5. Pregnancy & Postpartum Policy: Trail Sisters Approved races will offer a Pregnancy & Postpartum Policy. Whether planned or unplanned, an expected or unexpected start or end to a pregnancy, healing and recovery time are required for a women’s overall health. 

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