Go the distance with Fleet Feet Knoxville and On! This Fall we have a 12 week training for the 4-Bridges Half Marathon or 10k in Chattanooga, TN on Oct 20. Training is easier (and more fun) with friends! With Fleet Feet’s long distance Training Program Powered by On, you’ll find a holistic training plan to help you cross the finish line feeling empowered.
Long distance training isn’t just about logging miles. It’s about learning to challenge yourself incrementally, tackling different types of runs, building strength and making space for rest and recovery. Bond with other runners, learn and improve together and receive plenty of support from Fleet Feet coaches along the way. To join the half marathon training program you should be able to run/walk 5 miles. For the 10k training program you should be able to run/walk 2 miles.
- Start Date: Mon Jul 29
- Q&A Session: Thu Jul 25 at 6:00pm. Stay for the Open Group Walk/Run at 6:30pm.
- 2 Gear-Up Weeks: Starting with the Q&A week and ending after the 1st week, all training program participants receive in-store discounts on any gear needed to get ready to train - from footwear to bras to hydration.
- Workouts: Tues at 6:30 PM and Sat at 7:00 AM starting the week of Jul 29. Additional training opportunities by joining us for our Open group runs on Thurs at 6:30 pm and Sun morning.
- Target Race: 4-Bridges Half Marathon or 10k in Chattanooga, TN on Oct 20.
- Participants Receive: A complete Training Program and calendar with detailed workouts, Gear-up weeks; weekly coach-led training sessions with hydration provided, series of seminars on topics such as injury prevention, nutrition, and stretching, weekly e-mail from the coach with tips, advice and motivation/encouragement, e-mail support – the coach will answer individual questions regarding training and running related issues, weekly Group Runs available from Fleet Feet Knoxville, technical fiber shirt, and discounted entry to the goal race.
- FFKR Discount: FFKR members receive a $20 discount off training program fee.
Train Together
Sweat Together
Struggle Together
Learn Together
Improve Together
Grow together
Achieve together
Finish together
Celebrate Together
Run 13.1 Together
Sign up now. Fleet Feet Half Marathon Training Powered by On.
Training Program Contact Info
If you have any questions about this Training Program, click the button below.
Knoxville, TN US 37934
Training Program Survey
Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your training program experience.