5K Run/Walk
311 Jefferson Pike
Smyrna, TN US 37167
Race Flyer
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.
Course Map
Our 5K race route is USATF certified. For an interactive map including elevations, click HERE.
5K run/walk, pets on a leash are allowed. All finishers are awarded a finishers medal, there are no age group awards. This event is sponsored by the Stones River Marine Corps League Detachment 1158 and funds are raised to support our Youth group and local Veteran groups such as the Tennessee Veterans Home in Murfreesboro, TN. We are testing the waters for this to be an annual fundraiser. An early packet pick-up will be available on Friday, December 27th between 5 an 8 p.m. at VFW Post 8422 at 10157 Old Nashville Hwy, Smyrna, TN as well as on race day starting at 7 am.