Amarillo, TX US 79118
On the last Wednesday of the month, we will meet at different trail systems to work on a variety of mountain bike skills. Body Position on the bike, Cornering, and Braking are just a few of the skills we will work on. Afterward, we will take to the trails to reinforce our skills in different terrain and session any trouble spots. Women of all ages and abilities are welcome.
Each session is $20. Pre-register for all 4 sessions by Wednesday, June 26 for only $60 and receive a Wander Woman tote bag filled with goodies that will come in handy on or off the trail. T-shirts will be available for an additional $25 and can be ordered at any point during registration.
Come join the fun as we build new friendships, encourage each other, and challenge ourselves to become better riders.
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.