Arlington, TX US 76018
Edward Planche died unexpectedly of an aneurism on July 3, 2012 and leaves behind a loving wife and two sons (Zach - 9 and Cody - 3). This race is being put on to raise money to help his family during this time of need. All contributions are greatly appreciated!
Another fun/competitive race in attractive Cravens Park in S. Arlington. The course - relatively flat & fast, partly tree-shaded. Have fun running, walking, strolling … Parking - available in the park. The net race proceeds will go to the Planche family. For more info, call 817-807-3568 or e-mail
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.
Additional Information
1M @ 8:00 AM; 5K @ 8:30 AM
Edward Planche died unexpectedly of an aneurism on July 3, 2012 and leaves behind a loving wife and two sons (Zach – 9 and Cody – 3). This race is being put on to raise money to help his family during this time of need. All contributions are greatly appreciated!
[If interested, you also can make an additional donation with a check payable to: Zachary Planche and Cody Planche Trust and submit with your race entry fee.]
Sep 15 8:00 AM Race for Edward 5K / 1 Mile Run/Walk,
Cravens Park, Arlington, TX 76018
817-807-3568 /
Benefits the Edward Planche family, following Edward’s recent untimely death.
Awards to 1st Overall male and female finishers, 1st Masters male and female finishers in the 5K. Top 3 finishers in the following age/gender groups also will be awarded: 6 & Under, 7-8, 9-10, 11-12, 13-15, 16-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-74, 75-79, 80 & Over.. All 1 Mile finishers will receive participation ribbons.
Net proceeds will be given to the Edward Planche family, following Edward’s recent untimely death from an aneurism.
[If interested, you also can make an additional donation with a check payable to: Zachary Planche and Cody Planche Trust and submit with your race entry fee.]
Brief Description
Another fun/competitive race in attractive Cravens Park in S. Arlington. The course - relatively flat & fast, partly tree-shaded. Have fun running, walking, strolling … Parking - available in the park. The net race proceeds will go to the Planche family, to help them after the untimely death of husband and father Edward from an aneurism on July 3, 2012. For more info, call 817-807-3568 or e-mail
Arlington 76018 TX 76018
Fun & competitive race in attractive Cravens Park in S Arlington. The course – flat, fast, partly tree-shaded. DIRECTIONS FROM DALLAS, FT WORTH, etc. FromI-20- ExitontoMatlockRoad (after CollinsSt.exitontheE /afterCooperSt.exit ontheW). SonMatlock. GopastStephens,Bardin,GreenOaks. LatMatlock &CravensParkDr(afterNathanLoweRdonthe R). Ratthe 2nd entrance(0.2milefromMatlock)andgointothePark. Or directions from /
Race Participant Survey
Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.