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Sat August 17, 2019 Belton, TX 76513 US Directions



8:00AM CDT


Confederate Park
700 Confederate Park Drive
Belton, TX US 76513


___________________________LIVE. LOVE. RUN for ABBY._____________________________

On August 17 we will RUN for ABBY Thibeault at Confederate Park in Belton, TX.  Bring your running shoes, family, and friends to this 5K.  This will be a timed race for our community of runners and a fun walk for our families.  In this community fundraiser we will show our support for the Thibeault family as the proceeds will be donated to help cover the hefty expenses the family is facing.

Abby Thibeault, an incoming freshman at Belton High School, was in an ATV accident on the 6th of July while visiting family in Maine.  The ATV she was driving went off an embankment and fell about 40 feet before hitting a tree.  Abby was wearing a helmet but still suffered serious injuries.  She was airlifted to the hospital in Maine and a few days later transported to the Children's Hospital in Boston, MA.  She has undergone surgeries for facial fractures and an orbital fracture on her right eye that she suffered.  It will be a long road to recovery for Abby and the family, and we want to help lift the financial burden.  

Join us in body or spirit and sign up for the race!  18 and younger get a $10 discount that will show up as they register.  Every registrant will receive a t-shirt with their entry.  Extra t-shirts will be offered as an option as you register for the race.  If you'd like to donate money in addition to your registration fee, that option will be asked as you register. You can also donate without registering for the event; select the Donate tab above.  Interested in being a sponsor?  Select the Sponsor tab above for more information.

"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." 

Joshua 1:9


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