631 Somerset Dr
Virginia Weaver Park Picnic Pavillion
Cedar Hill, TX US 75104
Virginia Weaver Park Picnic Pavillion
Cedar Hill, TX US 75104
We are excited to have our Annual Fun Run again on Thanksgiving Morning! This year we will meet at Virginia Weaver Park in Cedar Hill at the pavilion picnic tables.
Registration is REQUIRED, so you can complete the waiver online.
Time: Gather at 7:30 am, Run starts at 8 am.
The route is a 5k on the Red Oak Paved trail from the pavillion to the baseball field, with the option to add the sides and do the wishbone route for 5 ish miles!
Participation is FREE with the option to purchase an event shirt for $25 when you register by Tuesday, 11/9.
Water will be provided at the start/ finish. This is a fun social Non-timed event that's suitable for the whole family. Last, but not least- We will be collecting cereal boxes that morning for the Cedar Hill Food Pantry again this year. Hope you can come out and Run/ Trot with us!
Run now...Gobble later! :)
5-6 Course VOLUNTEERS are requested and you get a FREE Event shirt. Message me for details! :)
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.
Race Participant Survey
Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.