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Sat October 26, 2019 Decatur, TX 76234 US Directions



7:30AM CDT - 9:30AM CDT

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at


750 E Eagle Summit Dr
Decatur, TX US 76234


When someone in our community battles cancer, we battle it together! #EFND (Eagle Fight Never Dies!) Join us as we help raise money to support Luke and his family as they go through this difficult time! 100% of all proceeds will be donated to the family help offset medical expenses

Who's Luke?
Luke is a 16 year old, Junior at Decatur High School. This summer, he developed an area of swelling between his eyes, which was thought was a result of an elbow he took to the face while rebounding in a summer league basketball game. When it didn’t improve over time, he was taken to his primary doctor, who ordered an immediate MRI. Meeting was scheduled with a neurosurgeon the following day.

The biopsy taken the following week showed a high grade (fast growing) sarcoma. Further tests showed it was Mesenchymal Chondrosarcoma—an extremely rare and aggressive form of bone cancer found in teens and young adults.

Surgery to remove the tumor was in late July at UTSW Children’s Medical Center in Dallas. Following surgery, Luke is now undergoing seven weeks of proton radiation treatments. He is also receiving chemotherapy that will cycle for the next 8-9 months. After this is complete, he’ll have a second neurosurgery to place a bone graft over the original tumor site.

Fun Facts about LUKE:
When he isn’t kicking cancer, Luke is a member of the Decatur Men’s Basketball team. He also enjoys college football and NFL games, rooting for his original hometown teams, the Ohio State Buckeyes and the Cleveland Browns. :)

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