Grand Prairie, TX US 75050
A fun/competitive race in Mike Lewis Park, Grand Prairie, TX 75050. A mostly flat/fast, out-and-back trail course. Have fun running/walking, . Parking available. The race is to honor & thank our troops & our vets for their service & sacrifice; to support them in seeking a safe, secure & peaceful future for us all; to celebrate a sense of peaceful patriotism. The net race proceeds will go to 2 Vets’ organizations. Toiletries to SafeHaven. For more info, call 817-265-4578 / e-mail
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.
Awards will be given to 1st Overall male and female finishers, 1st Masters male and female finishers. Top 3 finishers in the following age/gender groups also will be awarded: 6 & Under, 7-8, 9-11, 12-14, 15-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-74, 75-79, 80 & Over. All 1 Mile finishers will receive participation ribbons.
The net race proceeds will go to two Vet’s groups -- one of the national disabled veterans’ organizations & Veterans For Peace – as a small material contribution to the rehabilitation and welfare of our veterans. The donated toiletries, personal health care items and laundry detergent will go to SafeHaven of Tarrant County (formerly Women’s Shelter).
Grand Prairie, TX 75050
Directions, etc.
This is a fun & competitive race in a renovated Mike Lewis Park in Grand Prairie, TX. The course is a mostly flat & fast, out-and-back. It's on a newly-constructed trail. DIRECTIONS FROM DALLAS, FORT WORTH, etc. Exit onto Hwy 161 off I-30 in Grand Prairie and go North until the road merges with N. Carrier Pkwy. Continue North, past the next intersection light at Sunnyvale. Then turn Right into Mike Lewis Park; continue until you get to the race activity
This will be the fifth edition of this race. Complete results from last year – and this year’s -- can be found on the Web at and other sites.
Offline Fees
Mail-in fees are $10 (5K) OR $5 (1 Mile) if mailed by 5/25/11 (Forms may be obtained by e-mail by contacting or visiting on the Web). Walk-in fees (through May 28) are $10 (5K) OR $5 (1 Mile) at The RUNNER, 3535 W. Pioneer Pkwy, Arlington TX 76013 (817-461-2281). Race day fees are $15. Plus toiletries, personal health care items and laundry detergent on race day. NO T-SHIRTS! But a small, scholarly memento.
1. Unvarnished racing fun & competition. 2. The Substance -- donate the net proceeds to 2 vets’ groups – a nat’l disabled vets’ group & Vets For Peace (a small contribution to vets’ rehab & advocacy for their welfare). 3. The Spirit & Sentiment – Honor/Thank our troops & vets for their service/sacrifices; Support them seeking a peaceful, secure & safe world for us; Honor the memory of the departed; Celebrate a sense of peaceful patriotism, a nation secure & safe in a world at peace.
Race Participant Survey
Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.