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Peaceful Tomorrows with Our Troops & Vets VII 5K / 1 Mile Run/Walk

Mon May 27, 2013 Grand Prairie , TX 75050 US Directions



8:00AM CDT


9:00AM CDT


Mike Lewis Park, 2410 N. Carrier Parkway
Grand Prairie , TX US 75050


A fun/competitive race in Mike Lewis Park, Grand Prairie, TX. A mostly flat/fast, out-and-back trail course. Have fun running/walking, .. Parking is available. The race is to honor & thank our troops  & our vets for their service & sacrifice; to support them in seeking a safe, secure & peaceful future for us all; to celebrate a sense of peaceful patriotism. The net race proceeds will go to 2 Vets’ organizations. Toiletries to SafeHaven. For more info, call 817-265-4578 / e-mail


5K @ 8:00 AM;  1M @ 9:00 AM

Our racing mission continues to be to produce affordable, hedonistically fun & athletically competitive races, that are technically sound (correctly-measured courses with minimum turns and visible distance – mile or Km – markers),  that also benefit some charity(-ies) with a populist & gender parity focus – for the average runner/walker (including the novices) and also for the seasoned, serious racer. ****

In a century that has begun and continues with so much violence and so much warring, it’s clearly in humankind’s self-interest that we actively pursue peace & justice and genuine security for all and that we espouse a culture that abhors bellicosity and embraces mutual respect and sharingness. That’s the spirit of this race. The race again will engage our servicemen and servicewomen  who have actually walked the walk, experienced the heat of hell,  and been in the belly of and borne the brunt of battle, who have sacrificed – sometimes losing their limbs, sometimes losing their very lives – so that we may live secure and free and at peace.****


Real-life veterans – who put their lives and limbs on the line in service to and defense of our country -- will share the race with us to receive our abiding gratitude and support which they and our active troops richly deserve; sadly posthumously for some.  As usual the race will offer unvarnished racing fun & competition, with a gorgeous racing course! It’s part loop and part out-and-back. There’s a little incline in Mile 1 for character, then it’s fast and flat as a pancake the rest of the way. The head will sing Hallelujah! The heart will find it Heavenly! The lungs will fall in Love! The feet … ah, the feet…they will Feel & caress!  It also will be a race whose net proceeds and sentiment support both our troops presently in uniform and those who served and sacrificed for us in the past – our veterans – and pray that our country remains safe & secure in a world at peace, a sense of peaceful patriotism. ****


Net proceeds from the race will benefit two Vets’  organizations – a national disabled  Vets’ organization  and Veterans For  Peace. ****


More info  -- including online registration -- is available on the Web at The race flyer/entry form can be downloaded from this Web page.**** 

May 27  0800 Peaceful Tomorrows with Our Troops & Vets VII 5K / 1 Mile Run/Walk,

                       Mike Lewis Park, Grand Prairie, TX 75050   

                      817-265-4578 /

                      Benefits two Vets’  organizations – a national disabled  Vets’ organization  and Veterans For  Peace.

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


Awards in the 5K will be given to 1st Overall male and female finishers, 1st Masters male and female finishers. Top 3 finishers in the following age/gender groups also will be awarded: 6 & Under, 7-8, 9-11, 12-14, 15-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-74, 75-79, 80-84, 85 & Over.  All 1 Mile finishers will receive participation ribbons.


The net race proceeds will go to two Vet’s groups -- one of the national disabled veterans’ organizations & Veterans For Peace – as a small material contribution to the rehabilitation and welfare of our veterans. The donated toiletries, personal health care items and laundry detergent will go to SafeHaven of Tarrant County.


Grand Prairie, TX 75050

Directions, etc.

This is a fun & competitive race in a renovated Mike Lewis Park in Grand Prairie, TX. The course is mostly flat & fast, but long incline in Mile 1. DIRECTIONS FROM DALLAS, FORT WORTH, etc. From I-30, exit on Hwy 161. N at the light; stay on R side of road. Continue to light at N. Carrier ;  L and go N past Sunnyvale; R into park; Park is about 1.5 mls from I-30. From Hwy 360, exit on N Carrier Pkwy and go SE (or E); continue past Roy Orr,  L into park; Park is about 1.7 mls from Hwy 360.


This will be the seventh  edition of this race. Complete results from some of the previous years – and this year’s -- can be found on the Web at and other sites.

Offline Fees

Mail-in fees are $15 (5K) OR $5 (1 Mile)  if mailed by 5/22/13 (Forms may be obtained by e-mail from or on the Web). Walk-in fees (through 5/25) are $15 (5K) OR $5 (1 Mile) at The RUNNER, 3535 W. Pioneer Pkwy, Arlington TX 76013 (817-461-2281). Race day fees - $20 (5K) OR $5 (1 Mile). Plus donated toiletries, personal health care items, laundry detergent  (for SafeHaven of Tarrant County). NO T-SHIRTS! But a small, scholarly memento.


1. Offers unvarnished racing fun & competition.  2. The Spirit & Sentiment of the race are to Honor & Thank our active troops and our veterans for their service and sacrifices, and to Support them as they seek a peaceful, secure and safe world for us all; also Honor the memory of those who have gone beyond this life. . 3. The Substance of the race will be to donate the net proceeds to two veterans’ groups – one of the national disabled veterans’ organizations & Veterans For Peace – as a small material contribution to the rehabilitation of our veterans and to proactive advocacy for their welfare. 4. The Spirit & Sentiment of the race also will be to Celebrate a sense of peaceful patriotism, a nation secure and safe in a world at peace.     


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