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5th Annual East Texas CASA Superhero 5K

Sat December 3, 2016 Longview, TX 75604 US Directions



9:00AM CST


100 H G Moseley Parkway
Lear Park
Longview, TX US 75604


It’s Time for the 5th annual casa superhero 5k run 
& 1 Mile Fun Run
DECEMBER 3, 2016 @ Lear Park  
chip timing will be used again this year &
medals will be awarded by age category
in addition to our costume contest!!
Pre-registration packet pick up will be Friday, December 2nd at Whataburger! 

2016 Superhero 5k Sponsor Packet


Thank you Tye Jackson Pictures for our amazing wrap-up video!


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Contact us today and make a difference in a child's life.

"To give a child a CASA is to give them a voice. To give them a voice is to give them hope. And to give them hope is to give them the world. I believe that with all my heart."
- Pamela Butler, former foster youth

Race Contact Info

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