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Red River Riot at 4R Ranch Vineyards and Winery

Sat April 8, 2017 Muenster, TX 76252 US Directions


35 Mile Short Route (Fun Ride)

9:00AM CDT - 7:00PM CDT
Open to ages 14 - 99.

80 Mile Medium Route

9:00AM CDT - 7:00PM CDT
Open to ages 14 - 99.

125 Mile Main Event

9:00AM CDT - 7:00PM CDT
Open to ages 14 - 99.

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at


1473 Co Rd 477
Muenster, TX US 76252


The original Texas gravel grinder is back, bigger, badder and better than ever! It is a full day of amazing dirt roads, gorgeous scenery, Texas BBQ and great wine...what's not to love?

4R Ranch Vineyards and Winery will be our gracious hosts this year. You would be hard pressed to find a more beautiful setting anywhere. Starting from 4R Ranch will allow us a really cool first loop/short route which will offer a unique opportunity for spectators on Windmill Hill. Families/guests will be welcome to cheer you on!

Parking/Mass start will be from the barn area (which allows for plenty of parking). All riders will roll out South, then West to eventually loop to Windmill Hill and past the winery entrance at about mile 12. This should allow non riders to cheer on the start and have time to make it to Windmill Hill and cheer everyone on up!

Guests can then make their way back to the tasting room and wait for everyone to finish Loop 1 for a total of about 35 miles. You can add a special non riding guest package which includes wine tasting, t-shirt, food for $10. Guest package is not required but we think it is a heck of a deal.

Current mapping gives options for 35, 80 and 125 miles. These are cloverleaf loops which allow riders to come through the staging area throughout the day to refuel/regear. All riders will do the first 35 mile loop, return to staging, 80 and 125 milers will then go out on a 45 mile loop, return to staging, then 125 milers will go out for a different 45 mile loop and finish at staging.

Road conditions can change substantially between now and event day so we will not be releasing the the planned maps for the 45 mile loops until week of the event.

35 Mile Fun Ride: No awards for placement, random prizes

80 Mile Awards: Top 3 Overall. Top 3 Female (If not already awarded in Overall). Top Singlespeed (if not already awarded in Overall). Top MTB/Fat Bike (if not already awarded in Overall or Single Speed). Top Masters 50+. Top Young Gun 30 and under. Random prizes.

125 Mile Awards: Top 3 Overall. Top 3 Female (If not already awarded in Overall). Top Singlespeed (if not already awarded in Overall). Top MTB/Fat Bike (if not already awarded in Overall or Single Speed). Top Masters 50+. Top Young Gun 30 and under. Random prizes.

All awards categories base on minimum of 10 participants. Awards depth may be modified for fewer participants. Sorry, no podium for third place if there are only 3 entries.

The gates to the ranch will open at 7am, check in will open at 7;30 am. Riders' meeting will be at 8:45. Start will be 9:00. You probably want to be there by 7:30. Routes will be posted and emailed to everyone Friday after the courses are marked and verified. Registration includes wine tasting, bbq and t-shirt if registered by 4/2. We do not have a separate packet pickup. You will receive your number plate and wine token and check in. T-shirts will be handed out after you finish your ride.

Race Contact Info

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