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Paragon Splash & Dash Series 2017

Sun May 7 - Sun July 30 San Antonio, TX 78231 US Directions


Kids Aquathlon #1

05/07 8:00AM CDT - 10:00AM CDT
Open to ages 6 - 17.

Kids Aquathlon #2

06/04 8:00AM CDT - 10:00AM CDT
Open to ages 6 - 17.

Kids Aquathlon #3

07/02 8:00AM CDT - 10:00AM CDT
Open to ages 6 - 17.

Kids Aquathlon #4

07/30 8:00AM CDT - 10:00AM CDT
Open to ages 6 - 17.

Full Race Series (Last 3 races)

05/07 - 07/30 8:00AM CDT - 10:00AM CDT
Open to ages 6 - 17.


Barshop Jewish Community Center
12500 NW Military Hwy
San Antonio, TX US 78231


Summer aquathlon series for kids

Registration is available the morning of the event. Fee is $35 + USAT membership ($10/year if you don't have one yet).

USA Triathlon Certified Race (Only $10 for a one year-membership)

The distances will be broken up into three different distances based on age.

6 year olds: 50m swim/200m run

7-10 years old: 100m swim/1000m run

11-17 years old: 200m swim/2000m run


This will be a summer series of races held on a Sunday every four weeks starting in May. Race dates will be as follows

Race #1- May 7th

Race #2- June 4th

Race #3- July 2nd

Race #4- July 30th

6:30 AM - Outside pool door opens and packet pickup begins.

7:45 AM - Pre-race announcements

8:00 AM - 5-6 year olds start

8:15 AM - 7-10 year olds start

8:40 AM - 11-17 year olds start

10:00 AM - Awards Ceremony on soccer field

In the case of bad weather or cancellation, no refunds will be issued but registration may be deferred to a future race in the series.

Visit for information on our training programs.

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


Race Participant Survey

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