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Coach Paula Berger 5K Run/Walk

Sat December 14, 2013 Yoakum, TX 77995 US Directions


5K Run/Walk

7:30AM CST

Kids Run/Walk

9:00AM CST


104 Poth
Yoakum, TX US 77995


Description: 5K benefit Run/Walk Schedule: 7:00am - Registration
7:30am - 5K Run/Walk
9:00am - Kids Run/Walk (1/2 Mile) Entry Fees:

$30 - Thru December 6, 2013
$35 - After December 6

Kids Run/Walk
$15 - 10 and under

Make Checks payable to "Paula Berger Benefit"

Awards: Male and Female in the following age groups:
14 and under, 15-21, 22-28, 29-35, 36-41, 42-47, 48-54, 55-61, 62-69, 70 and up Contact: Dana Beal,

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