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2022 Step Up for IC/BPS Your Way

Sat January 1 - Sat December 31 Anywhere, VA 22102 US

DIY Your Way For IC/BPS


Your Community
Anywhere, VA US 22102


Now you can STEP UP and show your support of the IC/BPS community by participating in DIY Your Way for IC/BPS when you create your own on-line campaign. By exploring your unique interests, YOU can create your very own fundraiser to bring awareness IC/BPS. 

Whether it's walking 1 mile or running 100, planning a 5k community event or collecting donations in-lieu of birthday gifts - the limits are endless. By simply setting up a fundraising page and asking for support, YOU can make a difference for people living with IC/BPS!

This past year brought a silver lining - the opportunity for the ICA to extend its reach. Now, YOU can participate in the movement to bring awareness to your community virtually ANYWHERE. 

Your one-of-a-kind event will empower you to STEP UP and bring together participants and supporters right in your very own community. 

Where: VIRTUALLY, ANYWHERE!  You can register, participate, and join with thousands of others across the country as we raise awareness and funds for IC.

How: Register now and sign up to fundraise.

Goal: Increase awareness of IC/BPS in your community and raise critical funds for the ICA!

Step Up to:
  • Raise funds to advance IC/BPS research, education, and advocacy
  • Promote IC/BPS awareness in local communities
  • Create communities of support for IC/BPS patients and families

Interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome (IC/BPS) is recurring pelvic pain, pressure, or discomfort in the bladder and pelvic region, often associated with urinary frequency (needing to go often) and urgency (feeling a strong need to go). IC/BPS can affect anyone, with more than 12 million people in the US experiencing symptoms.

We want you to continue to stay safe, so we encourage you to follow local, state and CDC guidelines for large gatherings.

Walk Contact Info

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Walk Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your walk experience.

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