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Women @ Fluence Virtual 5k

Sun July 17 - Mon July 25 Arlington, VA 22203 US


VIRTUAL - Participate Anywhere
Arlington, VA US 22203


Please join us in this virtual 5k run/walk event hosted by the Women @ Fluence ERG. This race is in solidarity of the women of Fluence and the value and leadership they bring to our company, as well as in support of women globally. All genders, ages, family, and friends are welcome to register and participate!

Virtually run/walk 5k (3.1 miles) anytime between July 17th - 24th and submit your results on the "Results" page or just mark your completion (no need to record your time if you do not want to) before the end of the week.

While there is no registration fee for virtual participation in this first ever race, we encourage you to make a small donation to a charity of your choice.

Finishers celebration and virtual Happy Hour will take place Monday July 25th at 4:30pm EST!  Click here to join the meeting

Participant locations are listed for networking/gathering across other time zones.


Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, please contact the race director at

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