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Hulks Helping Hands Promise Run

Sat November 20 - Fri November 26 Blacksburg, VA 24060 US


Blacksburg, VA US 24060


Hulks group was formed in support of shelter rescue dog Hulk Hogan and his foster Mom, Elizabeth Whiteley. Many great people have stepped up to support Elizabeth in her rescue of Hulk and now it must move into a new calling, as a 501c3 Rescue. When Hulk was found in dire need in the Cuyahoga County Ohio Animal Shelter a call to rescue went out for help in getting him released from the shelter. Hulk was in extremely frail physical condition. He was wasting away to skin and bones, open sores on his body and his mouth and he was giving up.

Through a network of caring and involved volunteers and dog lovers we were able to connect the pieces and get him released to the loving hands of Elizabeth. Although she knew there would be expenses involved, once she saw Hulk when he was delivered to her, she knew he was in urgent need of a VET. He was severely dehydrated and emaciated.

Elizabeth took him immediately to an ER Vet where it was determined he had an intestinal blockage of an unknown kind and advised to see a specialist ASAP. The Specialist VET removed several sections of rope he had swallowed that had been in his gut for months leaving him unable to digest properly. Hulk is an amazing boy and a fighter. Elizabeth made Hulk a promise, if he survived that surgery, she would devote her life to helping animals like him, the ones that nobody else wanted. He did not give up and neither did Elizabeth. Today he is a different dog and in a very short time Elizabeth brought him back from the brink and into her loving home, he is now a member of her family and has stolen many hearts. He is the inspiration behind the formation of Hulks Helping Hands Rescue (HHHR).

Hulk passed away but Hulks Memory and the promise that was made lives on. Elizabeth, with an amazing team of volunteers work tirelessly every single day to help save animals in need. Hulks Helping Hands Rescue is an all breed, all species animal rescue and Sanctuary. We have realized that some animals can not be placed into homes, due to their physical limitations or their mental issues. These animals are part of the Sanctuary, they will live the remainder of their life either with Elizabeth or a Forever Foster

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