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Southern Region United Way - Gobble Till You Wobble Virtual 5k

Fri November 20 - Sun November 29 Front Royal, VA 22630 US Directions


1000 Shenandoah Ave
Front Royal, VA US 22630


Take part in the 1st annual Gobble Till You Wobble United Way Virtual 5K Run/Walk. Capture your run or walk using a fitness tracker or app and submit for a chance to win gift cards and other fun prizes.
We understand the importance of staying safe - this virtual race encourages runners and walkers to participate with a purpose also giving YOU the control of your own surroundings while you give back to the United Way. You get to be the decision-maker of where you would like your race to begin and end. Your course can take you through your neighborhood, your favorite park, or even on a treadmill.
Register yourself, your family, and friends to run or walk an individualized 5k (3.1 miles). This socially distant competition allows you to get active while making a difference in our community. Gift cards and other prizes will be raffled after the event.

To increase your chances of winning prizes, sign up family and friends, submit your best run/walk time, submit a photo of you in your holiday run/walk costume, even complete the Gobble Till You Wobble Challenge. Find out more information in your race instruction packet on Wednesday November 18th.

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

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