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University of Richmond - Spider Alumni - RDS - Test - Bryan

Sat September 3, 2022 Mechanicsville, VA 23116 US Directions


Collegiate Women

9:00AM EDT

Collegiate Men

9:30AM EDT


8996 Pole Green Park
Mechanicsville, VA US 23116


Pole Green Park Cross Country Course Mechanicsville, Virginia Date: Saturday, September 3, 2022 Distances: The 2022 and 2023 Spider Alumni Open will be 4K (Women) and 6K (Men). The event will utilize the same 2K loop course which will be used for the 2023 and 2024 USATF National Cross Country Championships. This 2K loop format will provide an opportunity for coaches and athletes to preview the course to be used on Saturday, January 21, 2023 to select team USA for the 2023 World Cross Country Championships. Event Schedule: 8:00AM- Pole Green Park Run/Walk (Open to Public) and USATF-VA Cross Country Championships 9:15AM- College Men’s 6K (Varsity College Athletes only) 9:50AM- College Women’s 4K (Varsity College Athletes only) Race Site: Pole Green Park Cross Country Course 8996 Pole Green Park Lane MECHANICSVILLE, VA 23116 (See Directions Below) Course: Flat, Grass/Dirt surface Details Here Course Preview: Go HERE 4K/6K Course Maps: Go HERE Spider Alumni Open Registration Fees and Deadlines: $125/COLLEGE VARSITY Team ($250/school…men & women)…College teams are permitted an unlimited number of entries…5 or more entries=team. Entry deadline for College Varsity teams is 1:00PM on Tuesday, August 30 through Direct Athletics. (College TeamRegistration will closeat1:00PM, August 30) Pole Green Park Run/Walk and USATF-VA XC: Details for this event will be found on the Collegiate Running Association’s website found HERE. Individual and Team PACKET PICK-UP: Coaches and individual participants can pick-up their packets near the start line at Pole Green Park on Race Day from 6:45AM through 8:30AM Spider Alumni College Invitational: The College Races will be held as separate men’s and women’s events. All NCAA Rules of competition and eligibility apply to college teams. Varsity College Teams will be scored as an invitational… Richmond Alumni will run as exhibition and will not factor into team scoring. Unattached runners, college club, open club and post collegiate runners will run in the Pole Green Park Run/Walk and USATF-Virginia Race. Pole Green Park Run/Walk and USATF-Virginia Race: This Collegiate Running Association event (Pole Green Park Run/Walk) will serve as the USATF-Virginia Association Open, Masters, and Junior Championship and will be held in conjunction with the Spider Alumni College Invitational. Event Timing and Results: Event Timing and Results will be available following the races Saturday morning. College results will be posted on Spectator Information: The course is mostly open fields. It is recommended spectators bring binoculars to enhance viewing and a personal lawn chair. LIVE WEB STREAM: The men’s and women’s college races will be streamed live by Spider_TV. You will find completed details on the LIVE video coverage HERE the week of the event. SOCIAL MEDIA UPDATES: Follow us on our Social Media pages for updates leading up to and during the races:

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