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ASK Sprint Into Spring

Sun March 27, 2022 Directions


4x100 Relay

1:30PM EDT

Kids 50 Meter Dash

1:50PM EDT
Open to ages 16 and under.

4x400 Relay

2:15PM EDT

Kids 100 Meter Dash

2:35PM EDT
Open to ages 16 and under.


Sports Backers Stadium
100 Avenue of Champions
Richmond, VA 23230


The VCU Center for Sport Leadership has partnered with the ASK Childhood Cancer Foundation to present the ASK Sprint Into Spring event on Sunday, March 27th. Join us from 1-4 p.m. at Sports Backers Stadium for an afternoon of relay races, kids races, and games with a chance to win money towards your ASK 5k and Fun Walk team’s fundraising efforts!

The afternoon features two adult races (4x100, 4x400), two kids races (50 meter dash, 100 meter dash), and a kid-adult 4x100 relay. ASK fundraising teams can participate in adult races (4x100, 4x400, and kid-adult 4x400) for an opportunity to win money – top teams in each race will be presented with cash prizes to go towards team fundraising efforts. Each kid who participates will be awarded a medal! 

Not interested in running? No worries – we have activities for you too! Corn hole, spikeball, and other games will be spread out throughout the stadium for kids and adults to enjoy during the event. Kids can also visit the craft station to decorate signs for the ASK Hematology/Oncology Clinic at the Children’s Hospital of Richmond at VCU.

Team captains, race winners, and kids will be recognized at an awards ceremony in the last hour of the event!

Donuts, coffee, and hot chocolate will be provided by Dunkin'!



Relays: Please have each member of your relay team register separately for each event you plan on participating in so that all participants can be accounted for. Assemble your relay teams however you’d like on race day! Fundraising teams may enter as many teams as they wish into each event, as long as each team has four different relay members (for example – if your fundraising team has 12 members, you may enter three different teams into the 4x100).

Kids races: Open to all kids up to age 16. Races will be separated into age-appropriate heats on race day. 



Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.



Sports Backers Stadium
100 Avenue of Champions
Richmond, VA 23230

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