Roseland, VA US 22967
Join us for our 5th Anniversary of "THE TOADER"!
We feel that Thanksgiving is all about family, fun, food & drink! So we're doing this race thing with a twist! Join us the Saturday after Turkey Day with your crew, and enjoy a "challenging", eating, running, drinking, 1.51 Km race on Blue Toad Hard Cider's stunning 27 acre farm surrounded by 360* views of the Blue Ridge!
- Start the Race with a Fresh Pint of Into the Orchard! Drink right away, or save some to wash your donut down... You make the Call!
- 1st rest stop - Fresh Cider Donuts!! (1 must be fully consumed before checking in for the next stop!)
- 2nd rest stop - Off the griddle BACON! Yes, Bacon, you got your sugar, now you need your protein! (1 Slice to Continue on to the Finish!)
- After Party Music, Award Winning Hard Cider and Food! Race participants get a Custom "Toader" T-Shirt, Wrist Bands & Headband! And Don't Forget the Fresh Donut, Bacon & Into The Orchard Pint During the Race!
COME UNDERACHIEVE WITH US! Finish Off the Thanksgiving Holiday with a Bang!
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.