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Transform Lives Race

Sat March 22 - Sun March 23 everytown, VT 40014 US Directions



everytown, VT US 40014


This is a virtual race run at your own pace, own time,  and own place.  Run any distance. Walk any distance. Bike any distance.  Do whatever you can to get yourself out there with the lives of others on your mind.  

The purpose of this race is to raise money for the most requested charity.  That's right, you choose the charity.  The day the race is run, I will tally up the most requested charity and we will donate all the proceeds to them!  The name is Transform because we want to break free from the molds and transform someones life!  The icons are from the Divergent movie and the race is to be run the day the movie is released.


Date to be active:  March 22nd anytime

Ship date of medal:  1 week before the race so you can award yourself and dont lose the medal before race day (that'd be bad). 


Thank you and enjoy!!

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