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11th Annual Suwanee Half Marathon / 10k / 5k

Sun February 16, 2025 Suwanee, GA 30024 US Directions

5k - Water Station 1 High Priority

No volunteer spots remaining.

This volunteer task is full.


These Volunteers will be responsible for:

- Manning the only water station on the 5k course
- Filling up cups half way when arriving at station
- Handing out cups to runners as they come by (not just leaving on table)
- Cheering runners as they come by
- Cleaning up discarded cups and trash around aid station (trash bag provided)
- Informing Race Director/Team Coordinator when at location, when set up is ready and when done cleaning up.

*Bring speaker or stereo to play (appropriate) music, cow bells, etc.
**Dress up and make your aid station fun!


Near the corner of Brushy Ridge Way and Scales Rd NW.

*Park in cul-de-sac (not in runner's way or driveway)

Half - Water Station 1 High Priority


These Volunteers will be responsible for:

- Manning the 1st water station on the Half Marathon
- Filling up cups half way when arriving at station
- Handing out cups to runners as they come by (not just leaving on table)
- Cheering runners as they come by
- Cleaning up discarded cups and trash around aid station (trash bag provided)
- Informing Race Director/Team Coordinator when at location, when set up is ready and when done cleaning up.

*Bring speaker or stereo to play (appropriate) music, cow bells, etc.
**Dress up and make your aid station fun!


Corner of PIB and Eva Kennedy Road

*Park in parking lot on either side of Eva Kennedy

Half - Water Station 3 High Priority


These Volunteers will be responsible for:

- Manning the 3rd water station on the Half Marathon
- Filling up cups half way when arriving at station
- Handing out cups to runners as they come by (not just leaving on table)
- Cheering runners as they come by
- Cleaning up discarded cups and trash around aid station (trash bag provided)
- Informing Race Director/Team Coordinator when at location, when set up is ready and when done cleaning up.

*Bring speaker or stereo to play (appropriate) music, cow bells, etc.
**Dress up and make your aid station fun!


Back of George Pierce Park by the baseball fields

*Park in park parking lot right next to aid station

Half - Water Station 5 and 7 High Priority


These Volunteers will be responsible for:

- Manning the 5th and 7th (out and back) water station on the Half Marathon
- Filling up cups half way when arriving at station
- Handing out cups to runners as they come by (not just leaving on table)
- Cheering runners as they come by
- Cleaning up discarded cups and trash around aid station (trash bag provided)
- Informing Race Director/Team Coordinator when at location, when set up is ready and when done cleaning up.

*Bring speaker or stereo to play (appropriate) music, cow bells, etc.
**Dress up and make your aid station fun!


New Suwanee Sports Academy parking lot off of McGinnis Ferry

*Park in the new Suwanee Sports Academy Parking Lot just off of greenway

Half - Water Station 6 and Turn Around Point


These Volunteers will be responsible for:

- Manning the 5th and 7th (out and back) water station on the Half Marathon
- Filling up cups half way when arriving at station
- Handing out cups to runners as they come by (not just leaving on table)
- Cheering runners as they come by
- Direct runners to turn around at the cone and head back the way they came
- Cleaning up discarded cups and trash around aid station (trash bag provided)
- Informing Race Director/Team Coordinator when at location, when set up is ready and when done cleaning up.

*Bring speaker or stereo to play (appropriate) music, cow bells, etc.
**Dress up and make your aid station fun!


Suwanee Creek Park Parking Lot (close to bathrooms)

* Park in the Suwanee Creek Park Parking Lot

Course Marshall - 5k

At least 2 more volunteers needed.


These volunteers are responsible for:

- Knowing the part of the course they are assigned to
- Directing runners to stay on the course (you will normally be at a turn)
- Being happy and enthusiastic
- Pick up any trash that a runner may have thrown by you
- Check in with your Course Marshall Coordinator to let them know you are in place
- Bring your vest back to the finish line once all runners have gone by

*Do NOT leave your station till the turtle has come by. The Turtle is the last runner and will let you know they are the last person


Various spots on the 5k course

Course Marshall - Half Marathon

At least 7 more volunteers needed.


These volunteers are responsible for:

- Knowing the part of the course they are assigned to
- Directing runners to stay on the course (you will normally be at a turn)
- Being happy and enthusiastic
- Pick up any trash that a runner may have thrown by you
- Check in with your Course Marshall Coordinator to let them know you are in place
- Bring your vest back to the finish line once all runners have gone by

*Do NOT leave your station till the turtle has come by. The Turtle is the last runner and will let you know they are the last person


Various spots on the half marathon

Food Table High Priority


These volunteers will be responsible for:

- Cooking and serving food (TBD)
- Restocking of food
- Congratulating runners on their accomplishment
- Cleaning up during and after


Finish Line and Suwanee Town Center

*Park at the race parking around the town center and shops (please do not park in front of the shops, leave those for customers.

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