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Clover Dash 5k

Sun July 13, 2025 Des Moines, IA 50317 US Directions

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Station Volunteers

Water Station High Priority

At least 1 more volunteer needed.


Great role for groups! This key role is not just about providing hydration support — but moral support and excitement! As runners travel the course, they may get fatigued; but with your smiling face and cheering attitude, you will revive them! Duties include setting up the station, filling cups with water, restocking cups throughout the course, handing beverages to runners as they come by, and finally cleaning up the area when the last runner passes. Getting wet and standing for long periods is required for this role.

Arrival: 7:30 am check in at volunteer check in location
Duration: 10:00 am or when the last runner has past your location


On the race route

Food Station High Priority

At least 1 more volunteer needed.


Pre-race set up grab and go food area. After runners have gone through the line clean up the food area.

Arrival: 8:00 am check in at volunteer check in location
Duration: 10:30 am or when clean-up is complete


4-H Building


Runner Check-in High Priority

At least 1 more volunteer needed.


Check in runners and take day-of registrations. Pass out t-shirts and goodie bags, while directing runners to important locations.

Arrival: 7:00 am check in at volunteer check in location
Duration: 9:00 am or when clean-up is complete


4-H Building

Volunteer Check-in High Priority

At least 1 more volunteer needed.


Check in volunteers, distribute goodie bags and t-shirts, and direct volunteers to respective stations.

Arrival: 7:00 am check in at volunteer check in location
Duration: 10:30 am or when clean-up is complete


4-H Building

Additional Volunteers

Start/Finish Line Helpers Medium Priority

At least 1 more volunteer needed.


Coordinate runners prior to the race, clean up garbage around finish line following the race, help as needed with other stations during the race, and direct runners to food station following completion of the race.

Arrival: 7:30 am check in at volunteer check in location
Duration: 10:30 am or when clean-up is complete


Start/finish line

Water Bottles Post Race/Clean Up Medium Priority

At least 1 more volunteer needed.


Hand out water bottles, pick up debris post-race, and clean up following awards.

Arrival: 8:00 am check in at volunteer check in location
Duration: 10:30 am or when clean-up is complete


Finish line/race route

General Volunteer Low Priority

At least 1 more volunteer needed.


Help with any additional day of tasks.

Arrival: 7:00 am
Duration: 10:30 am or when clean up is complete


4-H Building/race route

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