All volunteers at this time will be set up as general volunteers. As we get closer to the event and know how many volunteers we have I will start assigning task.
Volunteer hours are 7am (check in time) - 1030am
Task include:
Course Markers
This is where we need the most volunteers. The course markers stand along the course directing the participants. These volunteers must have knowledge of the course. (I will be able to share course maps and do walk through ahead of time) They will be directed to a certain place on the course and will need to stay there during the entire event. On the course there will be one water station.
Registration and Check in
These volunteers will help the participants register or check in to the event.
Finish Line Support
Mrs Margaret Calamari will be in charge of the finish line. Volunteers will assist Mrs Calamari with set up, clean up and supporting the participants as the cross the finish line.
General clean Up and Set up
These volunteers will work directly with myself (Prof Julie Seda) to help set up and clean up from the event.