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USATF US National 12 K Volunteers Nov 15

Fri July 31, 2015 Alexandria, VA 22304 US

All Volunteers

Packet Pickup

November 13, 2015

November 14, 2015


This entails handing out participant shirts, assigning bib numbers and answering questions runners might have about race day. You will need to help with runners looking up their name and ensuring the are registered for the proper race.

Finisher Medals

At least 5 more volunteers needed.


As participants finish the race, handing out the finisher medal to all participants. All participants are limited to 1 medal and must be wearing an official race number.


At least 25 more volunteers needed.


Supplying water and Gatorade to participants as they finish. All runners are limited to 1 bottle of each (if not using bottles, then it’s pouring and mixing the Gatorade into cups following the provided instructions).

Food - Finish Line

At least 8 more volunteers needed.


Limited runners to one of each of the supplied food items (typically – bananas, granola bars & bagels) following the race. It will also entail setting up the food prior to the race finish

Elite Wranglers

Minimum met.


Following the Elite Race the runners need to be drug tested, this entails pulling them to the side after the race and making sure that they don’t disappear prior to the testing occurring.

Starting Line Corrals

At least 9 more volunteers needed.


Acting as a human rope and not allowing runners to enter corrals in which they are not assigned. You will be checking to ensure that you are only allowing runners into the correct corrals (bib number matches the corral number) and that runners are creeping up from the wrong corral.

Bag Check/Claim

At least 15 more volunteers needed.


Runners will be able to drop off personal belongings prior to the race and pick them after the race. Prior to the start, you will ensure that bags are labeled properly and collected from runners and put them in order based on the bib number in the correct corresponding tent. After the race, runners will show you their bib number and you will find their bag and give back to the runners.

Kid's Race

At least 2 more volunteers needed.


Volunteers will help with getting all Kid’s lined up and ready to go as well as handing out any item provided to kids following the race. Part of the challenge is keeping the parents out of the way of the race as well as lining up the smaller kids behind the older kids.


At least 7 more volunteers needed.


Helping to answer questions from participants and spectators – knowing where the finish line/start line and all items within the park to direct people in the right way. You will also function as Lost and Found for missing or dropped items along the way.

Water Stop #1

At least 19 more volunteers needed.


Providing water to runners on-course, this entails pour water into cups, stacking cups on sheets to ensure there is plenty of water for all runners as they come by quickly and handing out the cups to runners as they run by. After the race, you need to clean up the station so it looks the same way you found it.


Belle Haven Marina

Water Stop #2

At least 19 more volunteers needed.


Providing water to runners on-course, this entails pour water into cups, stacking cups on sheets to ensure there is plenty of water for all runners as they come by quickly and handing out the cups to runners as they run by. After the race, you need to clean up the station so it looks the same way you found it.


Belle Haven Marina

Water Stop #3

At least 17 more volunteers needed.


Providing water to runners on-course, this entails pour water into cups, stacking cups on sheets to ensure there is plenty of water for all runners as they come by quickly and handing out the cups to runners as they run by. After the race, you need to clean up the station so it looks the same way you found it.


Jos. A. Banks

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