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PACKET PICKUP - Set up (Student Activities Building)

March 21, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Student Activities Building

PACKET PICKUP - Bag Handout Table: Student Activities Building

March 21, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Stuff bags with swag and have bags ready for race participants


Student Activities Building

PACKET PICKUP - Bib Handout Table: Student Activities Building

March 21, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Student Activities Building

PACKET PICKUP - Shirt Handout Table: Student Activities Building

March 21, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Student Activities Building

PACKET PICKUP - Clean up: Student Activities Building

March 21, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


We must vacate the SAB Friday evening. Help us get the many boxes of shirts out of the building into the waiting Uhauls.


Student Activities Building

PACKET PICKUP - Volunteer Table: Student Activities Building

March 21, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Distributing instructions and shirts to volunteers at the race packet pickup.
You must have good knowledge of the 10 Miler course in order to help answer questions about volunteer locations on the course.


Student Activities Building


Anywhere you need me!

You must be 15 or older to volunteer for this task.

March 22, 2025


Assignment of specific intersections has started.

If you want to volunteer in a specific region along the race please state that in the 'note for the race' box. We'll do our best to honor your request.

Northwood/Lexington area, Water St., W Main and University Ave are the areas that have the greatest need for more volunteers.

You will receive a second email when you are assigned to a specific intersection.

Course Volunteer

Zone #1 Course Volunteers (Alderman Rd. Area)

You must be 15 or older to volunteer for this task.

March 22, 2025


About 1-2 weeks before the race you will be assigned a specific intersection in this zone. You may list a preferred intersection/location or other volunteers to work with and while we will do our best to accommodate those preferences, there are no guaranteed assignments. The main goal of course volunteers is to keep the runners safe by NOT allowing cars to interfere with the runners path. Most of the course will remain open to traffic going the opposite direction from the runners. Children are welcomed to help parents along the course but beware that some course positions will have significant traffic associated with them. Those 15 years or older may volunteer without parent supervision. All major intersections will have police assistance but some of the less major 'big' intersections may or may not have police assistance depending on the number of available officers.


This area covers Alderman Rd. from McCormick Rd. to Ivy Rd. and the Lewis Mountain Neighborhood

Zone #2 Course Volunteers (McCormick Rd. to UVA Chapel)

You must be 15 or older to volunteer for this task.

March 22, 2025


About 1-2 weeks before the race you will be assigned a specific intersection in this zone. You may list a preferred intersection/location or other volunteers to work with and while we will do our best to accommodate those preferences, there are no guaranteed assignments. The main goal of course volunteers is to keep the runners safe by NOT allowing cars to interfere with the runners path. Most of the course will remain open to traffic going the opposite direction from the runners. Children are welcomed to help parents along the course but beware that some course positions will have significant traffic associated with them. Those 15 years or older may volunteer without parent supervision. All major intersections will have police assistance but some of the less major 'big' intersections may or may not have police assistance depending on the number of available officers.


This area covers McCormick Rd from Alderman Rd to the UVA Chapel at the intersection of McCormick Rd and University Ave. You will need to be at your location from about 7:05-9:40 AM.

Zone #3 Course Volunteers (Rugby Rd. and Grady Ave.)

You must be 15 or older to volunteer for this task.

March 22, 2025


About 1-2 weeks before the race you will be assigned a specific intersection in this zone. You may list a preferred intersection/location or other volunteers to work with and while we will do our best to accommodate those preferences, there are no guaranteed assignments. The main goal of course volunteers is to keep the runners safe by NOT allowing cars to interfere with the runners path. Most of the course will remain open to traffic going the opposite direction from the runners. Children are welcomed to help parents along the course but beware that some course positions will have significant traffic associated with them. Those 15 years or older may volunteer without parent supervision. All major intersections will have police assistance but some of the less major 'big' intersections may or may not have police assistance depending on the number of available officers.


This area covers Rugby Road from University Ave to Grady Ave and continues down Grady Ave ending at Preston Ave. You will need to be at your location from about 7:15-8:25 AM

Zone #4 Course Volunteers (Preston Ave and the Downtown Mall)

You must be 15 or older to volunteer for this task.

March 22, 2025


About 1-2 weeks before the race you will be assigned a specific intersection in this zone. You may list a preferred intersection/location or other volunteers to work with and while we will do our best to accommodate those preferences, there are no guaranteed assignments. The main goal of course volunteers is to keep the runners safe by NOT allowing cars to interfere with the runners path. Most of the course will remain open to traffic going the opposite direction from the runners. Children are welcomed to help parents along the course but beware that some course positions will have significant traffic associated with them. Those 15 years or older may volunteer without parent supervision. All major intersections will have police assistance but some of the less major 'big' intersections may or may not have police assistance depending on the number of available officers.


This area covers Preston Ave from Grady to the Downtown Mall. The course then goes onto the Downtown mall, with this Zone ending just prior to the Pavilion. You will need to be at you position from about 7:20-8:35 AM

Zone #5 Course Volunteers (Court Square, 2nd St, Northwood Ave, Lexington Ave, and Pavilion areas)

You must be 15 or older to volunteer for this task.

March 22, 2025


About 1-2 weeks before the race you will be assigned a specific intersection in this zone. You may list a preferred intersection/location or other volunteers to work with and while we will do our best to accommodate those preferences, there are no guaranteed assignments. The main goal of course volunteers is to keep the runners safe by NOT allowing cars to interfere with the runners path. Most of the course will remain open to traffic going the opposite direction from the runners. Children are welcomed to help parents along the course but beware that some course positions will have significant traffic associated with them. Those 15 years or older may volunteer without parent supervision. All major intersections will have police assistance but some of the less major 'big' intersections may or may not have police assistance depending on the number of available officers.


This area covers the very end of the Downtown mall at the pavilion and the back neighborhoods of the course, which goes up 7th St, then on to Jefferson St, through Court Square and on to 2nd St, Northwood, Evergreen and Lexington Avenues and back to 7th St. towards the pavilion. You will need to be at your position from about 7:30-9:10 AM.

Zone #6 Course Volunteers (5th St at the Downtown Mall and Water St)

You must be 15 or older to volunteer for this task.

March 22, 2025


About 1-2 weeks before the race you will be assigned a specific intersection in this zone. You may list a preferred intersection/location or other volunteers to work with and while we will do our best to accommodate those preferences, there are no guaranteed assignments. The main goal of course volunteers is to keep the runners safe by NOT allowing cars to interfere with the runners path. Most of the course will remain open to traffic going the opposite direction from the runners. Children are welcomed to help parents along the course but beware that some course positions will have significant traffic associated with them. Those 15 years or older may volunteer without parent supervision. All major intersections will have police assistance but some of the less major 'big' intersections may or may not have police assistance depending on the number of available officers.


This area covers most of Water St from 5th St to the Ridge/McIntire/Main St intersection. You will need to be at your location from 7:35-9:15 AM.

Zone #7 Course Volunteers (Main St and University Ave)

You must be 15 or older to volunteer for this task.

March 22, 2025


About 1-2 weeks before the race you will be assigned a specific intersection in this zone. You may list a preferred intersection/location or other volunteers to work with and while we will do our best to accommodate those preferences, there are no guaranteed assignments. The main goal of course volunteers is to keep the runners safe by NOT allowing cars to interfere with the runners path. Most of the course will remain open to traffic going the opposite direction from the runners. Children are welcomed to help parents along the course but beware that some course positions will have significant traffic associated with them. Those 15 years or older may volunteer without parent supervision. All major intersections will have police assistance but some of the less major 'big' intersections may or may not have police assistance depending on the number of available officers.


This area covers all of Main St and University Ave from the Downtown Mall up to the intersection of McCormick Rd at the UVA Chapel. You will need to be at your location from about 7:35-9:35 AM.

Zone #8 Course Volunteers (Alderman Road Residence Area and Whitehead Rd.)

You must be 15 or older to volunteer for this task.

March 22, 2025


About 1-2 weeks before the race you will be assigned a specific intersection in this zone. You may list a preferred intersection/location or other volunteers to work with and while we will do our best to accommodate those preferences, there are no guaranteed assignments. The main goal of course volunteers is to keep the runners safe by NOT allowing cars to interfere with the runners path. Most of the course will remain open to traffic going the opposite direction from the runners. Children are welcomed to help parents along the course but beware that some course positions will have significant traffic associated with them. Those 15 years or older may volunteer without parent supervision. All major intersections will have police assistance but some of the less major 'big' intersections may or may not have police assistance depending on the number of available officers.


This area covers the final portion of the race and is McCormick Rd. going towards O-Hill, the Aldeman Road Residence Area and Whitehead Rd.

C007-Zone#1 : Runner separators between McCormick Rd. & Lewis Mt Rd.

March 22, 2025


Hold caution tape in the section where the course doubles back on the same street - to keep runners separate on each side of the street



Morning Set up

Food Table Setup

March 22, 2025


Aide in setting up tables for food. Aide in moving pallets of drinks and cases of food around as needed. Heavy lifting may be required.


2nd level of garage at Scott Stadium near Bryant Hall.

Race Morning Packet Pickup

March 22, 2025

This volunteer task is full.

Start line setup

March 22, 2025


Assist race director with setting up race corals, feather flags, garbage cans, start line.


Whitehead Rd between Alderman Rd and Stadium Rd.

Clean Up

Post Race Clean UP

March 22, 2025


Assist with returning items to Student Activities Building, organizing items that go to track club storage shed, and general clean up of race start and finish areas.


2nd level of garage at Scott Stadium near Bryant Hall. Find food and finish line coordinators and/or race director(s) for instructions.

Water Stops

W1: McCormick Rd. Water Stop Coordinator

March 22, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Water Coordinator will be responsible for instructing all other volunteers at their water stop. All coordinators will receive detailed instructions in the weeks before the race.



W2: McCormick Rd. Water Stop

March 22, 2025


Duties include filling cups with water or gatorade and handing cups to the passing runners. Cleaning up discarded cups.



W3: Downtown Water Stop Coordinator

March 22, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Water Coordinator will be responsible for instructing all other volunteers at their water stop. All coordinators will receive detailed instructions in the weeks before the race.



W4: Downtown Water Stop

March 22, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Duties include filling cups with water or gatorade and handing cups to the passing runners. Cleaning up discarded cups.



Finish Line Water Stop Coordinator

March 22, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Water Coordinator will be responsible for instructing all other volunteers at their water stop. All coordinators will receive detailed instructions in the weeks before the race.


2nd level of garage at Scott Stadium near Bryant Hall.

Finish Line Water Stop

March 22, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Duties include making sure there are sufficient bottles of water and other drinks available for runners as they come through the finish line.


2nd level of garage at Scott Stadium near Bryant Hall.

Food Table

F1: Food Table

March 22, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Monitor and restock the bananas, granola bars, bagels, etc as participants take the items.


2nd level of garage at Scott Stadium near Bryant Hall.

Finish Line

FL-2: Finish Line Assistants

March 22, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Duties include unpacking and handing out race medals to finishers. Keep runners moving through the finish line to avoid congestion. Alert medical personal if a runner seems to be in distress. Assist Blue Ridge Timing as needed.


2nd level of garage at Scott Stadium near Bryant Hall.

Volunteer Packet Pickup (Wednesday 3/19/25)

Volunteer Packet Pickup - Wednesday, 3/19/25

March 19, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Distributing instructions and shirts to volunteers..
You must have good knowledge of the 10 Miler course in order to help answer questions about volunteer locations on the course.


The Center at Belvedere, 540 Belvedere Boulevard

Questions? Email the volunteer coordinators

Questions? Email the volunteer coordinators

At least 1 more volunteer needed.


Diane Rosin:
Elaine Cheng:

No Parking Sign Hanging and Removal

NP-2: Post-Race No Parking Sign Removal

March 22, 2025


Remove NO Parking Signs Grady Ave, Downtown, Main St. and University Ave Saturday after the race.



NP-1: Pre-Race Hanging No Parking Signs.

March 19, 2025


NO Parking signs need to be hung on Grady Ave, Downtown, Main St. and University Ave Wednesday evening.



Neighborhood Flyer Distribution

Neighborhood Flyer Distribution

At least 3 more volunteers needed.


The weekend before the race, race information flyers (road closures, times, etc.) will be distributed to all residences and businesses along the course. About 1-2 weeks before the race you will be assigned a specific zone(s). You may list a preferred portion of the course or other volunteers to work with and while we will do our best to accommodate those preferences, there are no guaranteed assignments.


The course will be divided into 1 mile zones

Pace Flag holders

PF2 - Pace flag holder; 7 min pace

March 22, 2025


Arrive early to find start corral, hold pace flag and stay in your pace corral until runners start the race

PF3- Pace flag holder; 8 min pace

March 22, 2025


Arrive early to find start corral, hold pace flag and stay in your pace corral until runners start the race

PF4 - Pace flag holder; 9 min pace

March 22, 2025


Arrive early to find start corral, hold pace flag and stay in your pace corral until runners start the race

PF5- Pace flag holder; 10 min pace

March 22, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Arrive early to find start corral, hold pace flag and stay in your pace corral until runners start the race

PF6 - Pace flag holder; 11 min pace

March 22, 2025


Arrive early to find start corral, hold pace flag and stay in your pace corral until runners start the race

PF7 - Pace flag holder; 12 min pace

March 22, 2025


Arrive early to find start corral, hold pace flag and stay in your pace corral until runners start the race

PF1 - Pace Flag Holder - 6 min pace

March 22, 2025


Arrive early to find start corral, hold pace flag and stay in your pace corral until runners start the race

Bag check

Bag check

March 22, 2025


Mark runner's bib number on plastic bag containing belongings they want to store and place in numerical order in vans (before the race). Hand bag back to runner when they come to claim their bag after the race.


U-Haul rental vans in 2nd level of garage at Scott Stadium near Bryant Hall.

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