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Alden's Army 5K Family Fun Walk/Run 2019

Sat May 4, 2019 Directions


Alden's Army 5K Family Fun Walk/Run

10:00AM PDT - 1:00PM PDT


Granite Falls High School
1401 100th St NE
Granite Falls


A fundraising event for the Hemispherectomy Foundation, a non-profit organization focused on helping families with financial support who have undergone or are in the process of undergoing a Hemispherectomy and similar brain surgeries. Alden underwent a Hemispherectomy over 14 years ago and is a thriving tenth grader at Granite Falls High School.

To learn more about the Hemispherectomy Foundation, go to

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.

5K Map

Alden’s Army 5K 2018 Route 

● After picking up packets inside high school commons ● 5K will start at Granite Falls High School Track ● Left on 100th St./Burn Rd. (participants on left side of street between sidewalk and fog line) ● Cross Jordan Rd. (crossing guard in place) and turn left ● Right on Saratoga St. ● At top of Saratoga St. go thru trail ● STRAIGHT on to Alpine St. ● Cross Granite Ave. and turn left (crossing guard in place) ● (stay on right side of street towards Mountain Way Elem. School) ● Turn left to cross Granite Ave. ● Go through gates before school to WATER STATION HERE ● Go through parking lot and turn right on Granite Ave. ● Right on Alpine St. ● Right on Hemming Way ● Left on Jordan Rd. ● Right on 100th St./Burn Rd. ● Back to high school track to finish line ●

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Packet Pick Up

Click the icon below to download the attached PDF.


Race Day Packet Pick Up:  Pick up packets inside the High School Commons starting at 9:00 am.

Like every year, we will have a silent auction for your viewing and bidding before the race and shortly after. There will be a short announcement at about 9:45 with information regarding the race and the silent auction.

We are all very excited for this 5th annual event, but mostly Alden!  :D

We thank you and appreciate everyone's support and hope everyone has a great time!

All the best,

The Bernate Family   



Please use the High School parking lot. Thank you!




Granite Falls High School
1401 100th St NE
Granite Falls


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