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Chubby Chum

Sat July 10 - Sat July 24 Seattle, WA 98112 US

There are currently no events.


Madison Park Beach
Seattle, WA US 98112


A non-competitive swim challenge for members, family and friends of the Seattle Sixgill Sharks (SEAS) Masters Swim Team. A nod to the notorious Fat Salmon Race, these events follow the traditional Fat Salmon Race courses: a 1.2 mile swim from Denny Blaine Beach to Madison Park Beach and a 3.25 mile swim from Day St Boat Lauch to Madison Park Beach. Kayakers and a land support team facilitate a safer environment for these long distance swims.

This is not a sanctioned race, rather a fun swim, therefore fins, paddles or other assisting equipment are permitted. Swimmers may elect to time themselves and use their times to enter the official Fat Salmon Swim Virtual Competition. Entry is limited to current SEAS members and their friends and family.

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, please contact the race director at

Race Participant Survey

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