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Fire Drill 5K

Sat July 25, 2020


This is an opportunity to run a virtual 5K to support our local fire departments.  Proceeds to be split between the Cambria Fire Department and the Friesland Fire Department.  Neither fire department was able to host their annual fundraiser, so let's give them support by joining the virtual Fire Drill 5K. 

Participants have until 9 AM Saturday, July 25th to complete their registration.  At that time, t-shirts will be ordered based on our registrations.  As soon as they come in, we will be delivering or mailing them to you to wear when you complete your 5K if you would like. 

Submitting Your Result
An important part of this Virtual Race is submitting your time so that you can see how you rank, much like a traditional run.  Beginning July 25th you will be able to submit your time.  To submit your virtual time, click on the link below.  (Note: link will not work and you cannot submit a result prior to July 25)  By your name, click EDIT TIME.  You can submit results from July 25 - Aug 22.  Final results will be available at the same link Aug 23. 

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.

Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

Did you participate in the race?
Would you recommend this race to a friend?

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