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Run Like No Udder Dairy 5K

Sun June 6, 2021 Mosinee, WI 54455 US Directions


PPA Run Like No Udder Dairy 5K Run/Walk

8:00AM CDT - 11:00AM CDT


Swiderski Equipment Mosinee Location
820 Old Hwy 51 N
Mosinee, WI US 54455


Join the Partnership for Progressive Agriculture as they host the Run Like No Udder Dairy 5K Run/Walk held in conjunction with the Marathon County June Dairy Breakfast! 

This year's race is comprised of city streets and country trails and is a certified course. 

Registration 6:30-7:45 am
Race 8:00 am
Awards 9:30 am

Race packets can be picked up the morning of the race or on Friday from Noon-6pm at Swiderski in Mosinee (location of the race) 

Race Participants Receive Dri-fit T-Shirt, One Ticket to the June Dairy Breakfast, and a swag bag. 

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.



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