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Fairmont Night Glow

Sat October 27, 2012 Fairmont, WV 26554 US Directions


Pavilion 1 East Marion Park
Fairmont, WV US 26554


The Fairmont Night Glow race is back for its second year and is better than ever.  A 5K race and 2 Mile walk at night with fireworks, what could be better than that?  The route is rolling with some hills but not as many as last year.  We will start you on the new Alan B. Mollohan Gateway and take you through beautiful downtown Fairmont.  Glow in the dark t-shirts and glow necklaces will also be provided. The event is brought to you by Main Street Fairmont and the Associated Businesses of East Fairmont.  The ABEF will be hosting a breakfast the morning of the race at one of Fairmont's best eateries, CJ Maggies.  Support our downtown businesses and carbo-load with pancakes!  Registration and race packet pickup will be available at the breakfast.

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