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Memorial Day 5K Run For TEAM USA

Sun May 24 - Mon May 25 Saint Albans, WV 25177 US Directions


5K Run/Walk

05/25 9:00AM EDT - 10:15AM EDT

Pasta Dinner (Adult Ticket)

05/24 12:00PM EDT - 3:00PM EDT

Pasta Dinner (Children under 6)

05/24 12:00PM EDT - 3:00PM EDT


51 6th Avenue
Saint Albans, WV US 25177


Funds go to help get Jon Sandy to the Down Under International Games in Australia this summer to compete on the USA track & field team against other nations. He will be the only athlete representing West Virginia.

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.

Awards and Age Groups

Top 3 male/female finishers overall, top finishers in each age group.

Every 5 years of age starting at 14 & under, & ending in 65 & up.

Pasta Dinner - May 24

We are also hosting a spaghetti dinner on Sunday , May 24 at 12:00 noon to 3:00pm at the Maranatha Family Life Center in St. Albans (2910 Kanawha Terrace) for anyone that wishes to come, whether you're running, walking, or just want some good food provided by Gino's Pizza & Spaghetti House as well as Chic-Fil-A. The cost will be $9.00 per adult, $6.00 for any child 6 & under. The menu will be ; spaghetti with meat sauce, salad, rolls, dessert, & beverages such as tea, soda, & water. This spaghetti dinner is part of the fund raiser for Jon Sandy.

Contact Info:
John Sandy, race direcor - 304 543 7695 (cell)


Race Participant Survey

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