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Lander Running Club Virtual Runs

Sat July 4 - Sat July 11 Lander, WY 82520 US Directions


The Firecracker
The Sparkler
RiseUp Half
Triple Crown

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at


405 Fremont St.
Lander, WY US 82520


The Lander Running Club is hosting a FREE Virtual Competition to celebrate our love for running, our appreciation for community and to offer an opportunity for people to challenge themselves in a competitive format. 

The races will be live from July 4th at 5am through Saturday July 11th at 10pm. You can run or walk the routes on your own schedule, you can try them multiple times to improve your time, you can dress up in your best Fourth of July outfit. Have fun with this. Challenge yourself to move out of your comfort zone. And be sure to smile while you are doing it!

There are three routes to choose from:

  • The Firecracker: 1 mile on the track: Run four laps around the track as fast as you can! 1 MILE TRACK MAP
  • The Sparkler: 3.5 mile trail race: Starting at the base of the stock bypass by the big boulder, run up the stock bypass trail to the Middle Fork trail. Continue down the Middle Fork trail back where you started to the Stock Bypass trailhead sign for finish. 3.5 MILE TRAIL MAP
  • RiseUp Half: 13.1 mile road race: Start at City Park  and run up to The Rise and back to city park for the finish.13.1 MILE ROAD MAP
  • Triple Crown - Complete all three routes during the week

You may register for 1 distance or multiple distances. If you plan to run all three routes, register for each individual distance plus the Triple Crown category. After you complete your run(s), you can submit your result(s) on by July 13th at 11:59 PM. 


If you don't already use it, visit to create a free account. Join the Lander Running Club Group to follow other Lander runners. To record your route and time on Strava, please download the free Strava app on your phone or record on a GPS watch. You must report on Strava to be considered for prizes.


Course: 1 Mile Track


Location- 350 Baldwin Creek Dr- Bill Bush Stadium

Run 4 laps (plus a bit more) for 1 mile total

1 Mile Track

Course: 3.5 Mile Trail


Location/Directions: Start at the big boulder next to the Stock-bypass trailhead sign in Bruce's Picnic Area. Run up the Stock-bypass trail to the Middle Fork Trail. Run down the Middle Fork Trail back to the Stock-bypass trailhead for the finish.

3.5 Mile Trail Course

Start/Finish: Bruces Picnic Area- Large Boulder next to the Stock by-pass Trailhead

Course: 13.1 Road Run


Location/Directions: Start at City Park (Fremont St/Park St intersection). Run to the Rise of Sinks Canyon. Touch "Wyoming Wildlife" Sign, turn around and head back down canyon to City Park for 13.1 Miles.

13.1 Mile Road Run

Start at Fremont St./Park St. Intersection

Turn around at the Sinks Canyon Rise. Touch the Sign at the parking lot and turn around back to the finish. 


Finishers Award

Custom Lander Running Club stickers! Finishers can pick up their sticker at Wild Iris Mountain Sports when results are submitted and after July 13th, 2020. 

CASH PRIZES for top 3 Women and Men in each distance

  • 1st $40
  • 2nd $20
  • 3rd $10

Awards will be given to the top three  women and men finishers in each category, including the Triple Crown category. You can win more than one category. You must spend your earnings at a local business and send us a photo of you supporting our amazing local businesses. Award winners must post their route on the Lander Running Club Strava group before claiming their prize. Cash can be picked up at Wild Iris Mountain Sports.

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.



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