How much is the registration fee?
The registration fee will be $10 for adults and $6 for children. Register by September 26 to receive a free shirt!
What is included in the registration fee?
Where do we even begin! The registration fee will include tickets for food, dessert, refreshments, produce, face painting, bubble show, bounce house, photo booth, haircuts, flu shots, and resources.
Can I register at the event?
Yes! You can register at the event but we can not guarantee a tshirt or food.
When will I get my shirt?
Everyone will receive their shirt when they register at the event!
Where can I park?
There will be parking available at the entrance of E Montrose St, W Montrose St (Sabater Side), and the Boulevard. Please see the map for more information.
Are strollers and wagons allowed?
Yes! Feel free to bring your child in whatever they feel most comfortable in for the walk.
Can I purchase food from the vendors?
Vendors will not be selling food at this event. A ticket for food is included in the registration fee.
Who is eligible to receive a free haircut?
All preschool students are eligible to participate in a free haircut! After you register at the event head over to the Dugout Barber section and sign up for a time slot. This will be on a first come first serve basis.
Who is eligible to receive a free flu shot?
All preschool students are eligible to participate in the free flu shot clinic!
What happens if it rains?
The event will take place rain or shine!
How long is the walk?
The walk is 1 mile (4 laps around the track).
How can I sign up to be a Vendor or Sponsor?
Sign up to be a vendor