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What's Cookin'?

Fundraising (Voting) Between April 24, 2022 and May 8, 2022

About Growing Home

Growing Home is dedicated to creating a thriving and equitable north Denver metro area, one family at a time. Our participant-centered approach to strengthening families, nurturing children and connecting community fills a critical gap for families and children who are experiencing immediate and long-term barriers to stability and success. Through evidenced-based programs, we improve outcomes for children, their parents and their community. Our model makes us a leader in the two-generation approach to poverty alleviation and community equity.

Mission Statement: Growing Home’s mission is to guide children and their families on the path to a brighter future.
Vision: We envision our community working together so that all children and their families have a place to call home, food on the table, and the opportunity to pursue their dreams.

Learn more here: 


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