About BYSL
The Berwick Youth Soccer League was founded in 2024 by a group of parents interested in keeping youth soccer alive in the Berwick area. The focus of the league is to make soccer available to all kids while maintaining a safe, fun and competitive environment. Fall 2024 is the inaugural season - all games and practices will be held at the soccer fields at Fowler Avenue & E. 16th Street. Divisions will be created as we see the final number of kids who sign up and coaches who volunteer. We anticipate: U6, u8, u10 and hopefully a u12 league. Club players are welcomed and encouraged to join as we feel that there are benefits of both.
The fall soccer season will begin in mid-August and run through October. Practices will be held during the week and games will be held during the week as well as on Saturdays. Players are welcomed beginning at age 4 and up through those entering 6th grade for the 2024-2025 school year.
The spring soccer season will begin in April and run into June.
We are continuing to look for volunteers to help us grow and maintain the league. If you are interested in being part of the group - please email us at: Berwickysl@gmail.com