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Shamrock Shuffle

Sun March 13, 2022 Ketchikan, AK 99901 US Directions


1 Mile Run

12:30PM AKDT - 1:00PM AKDT

1 Mile Fun Run

12:00PM AKDT - 12:30PM AKDT


131 Front St
Ketchikan, AK US 99901


Ketchikan Running Club’s inaugural Shamrock Shuffle! Sunday March 13th we will host 2 separate 1 mile races before the St. Patrick’s Day Parade on the dock! 
The first race at 12:00 pm is the 1 mile fun run/walk. This race is open to all ages, both runners and walkers. 
The second race begins at 12:30 pm.  This 1 mile run is open to runners only. 
Both races will begin and end on the promenade; official route to be announced soon! 
Thank you to the Asylum for sponsoring this race! The top 3 runners will receive a free drink and tshirt from the Asylum! 
All participants will receive a Shamrock Shuffle vinyl sticker with their registration. 

Race Contact Info

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