5K Course
The Cook Medical Beat the Heat 5K Course will start and finish near the Education Building on the Winston-Salem Fairgrounds. Runners will exit the fairgrounds on at the East Gate (#7) and turn left (north) onto Shorefair Drive. The course crosses Deacon Blvd. and turns right (east) on Reynolds Blvd. The course makes a 180 degree turn just beyond the 1 mile mark and before reaching Indiana Drive, continuing west for nearly a mile. Runners again make a 180 degree turn near the entrance to the Cook Medical Bldg and University Center. The 2 mile mark is soon after this turnaround. The course continues east and turns right (south) onto Shorefair Drive. Continue on Shorefair Drive and turn right back onto the fairgrounds at the East Gate. The 3 mile mark is soon after re-entering the fairgrounds. The course continues west toward the finish line.
A water station will be at the corner of Shorefair Drive and Reynolds Blvd. Runners will pass this water station 3 times at about .75 miles, 1.45 miles, and 2.4 miles.
The 5K course is USATF Certified Course NC16005DF. (Note that the Elite 5K is a different course and can be found here.)
See below to view or download a course map.
Click the icon below to download the attached PDF.