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DAI Linda Norgrove 5K Fun Run

Sat October 5, 2019 Bethesda, MD 20814 US Directions
Support Rustam High School


5K Fun Run

9:30AM EDT - 11:30AM EDT


Park at Beach and Cedar
Bethesda, MD US 20814


Please join DAI in supporting the 2019 Linda Norgrove 5K Fun Run! The Linda Norgrove Foundation is a trust that gives grants to fund education, health, and childcare for women and children affected by the war in Afghanistan. Since 2010, The Foundation has been continuing the work of the late Linda Norgrove, a DAI employee who devoted herself to ensuring prosperity and stability for the people of Afghanistan during the country’s rebuilding process.


This year, all funds will go toward supporting Rustam High School, a Hazara community school located in a remote part of Yakawlang province in central Afghanistan. The school is in desperate need of access to clean water, electricity resources, rugs, and general school supplies.

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


Starting Point: Park at Beach and Cedar 

Parking: There should be some small parking lots along Beach Drive, close to the playground where the race will start.

Metro: The closest is Medical Center on the Red Line, but you will still need to bus (34 Wheaton stop) or Lyft to the final spot. 

Race/Trial Directions: Follow Rock Creek Trail North West from starting point. After .78 miles, cross Beach Drive at Franklin St (circled in red on the map – there will be an officer at the road crossing) and continue on Rock Creek Trail for another .78 miles. Be sure to veer right (into the woods) after Franklin St– do not continue following Beach Drive after Franklin St as the road and trail split for this portion of the run. Turn around at the marked sign at 1.62 miles and run the exact same path back to the start line.

Full distance: 3.12 miles


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